If you're trying to pay off debt without a spending plan, listen up.
There are SO many reasons a spending plan supports your debt pay off journey.
The most important reason for me?
It keeps you from feeling restricted.
You read that right.
The spending plan makes it EASIER to spend money on things that make you happy.
On things that matter most.
NOT having a spending plan will make you feel restricted.
If you’re stressed about paying off debt and you don’t know where your money is going, how will that latte EVER feel joyful and like a genuine treat?
I can’t TELL you how badly I want that latte to stop feeling like a “guilty” pleasure. It should just be straight up pleasure!
And not just the latte.
Your personal trainer.
Or therapist.
The hair appointment you’ve put off for too many months.
Even your housecleaner.
A spending plan shows you exactly which of these go where. How they fit in the money puzzle.
Believe me, the money for those things is likely available, but it’s going somewhere else without your plan in place.
This week on the podcast, I’m sharing more about what a spending plan does, how to create one, and WHY WHY WHY I am so persistent in you having one.
Listen in to the episode and let me know what YOU are excited to spend money on next month!